1 W. Main St. | Newcastle, WY 82701

Weston County Assessor
Parcel Viewer
We are pleased to give you online access to the Weston County Assessor’s Office ownership data. Ownership is updated yearly. These maps are not survey quality and are created for assessment purposes only. While we make every effort to produce and publish the most current and accurate information possible, Weston County disclaims any warranty of merchantability or warranty of fitness of this data for any particular purpose, either express or implied. No representation or warranty is made concerning the accuracy, currency, completeness or quality of data depicted. Any user of this data assumes all responsibility for use thereof, and further agrees to hold Weston County harmless from and against any damage, loss, or liability arising from any use of this data.
While this information is intended to be accurate, any manifest errors are unintentional and subject to correction. Please feel free to contact us about any errors you discover or to give comments and suggestions
Click the link above to access the Parcel Viewer |
Click the link above to be redirected to the Assessor Home Page |
Tony Barton
Chairman of the Weston County Commission
Past County Elected Officials
Lists of former county elected officials are now available online! These date back to 1915!