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1 W. Main St. | Newcastle, WY 82701

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County Clerk Becky Hadlock, Deputy Clerk Amber Green
Assistant Deputy Clerks Kolby Pisciotti and Rachael Adams




Beginning January 1, 2010 all motorized watercraft, snowmobiles and small trailers require titles in order to be registered after they are purchased or their ownership is transferred. The changes do not apply to vehicles purchased before January 1, 2010 unless ownership changes.

The new provision concerning motorized boats and personal watercraft requires titling at a County Clerk’s Office before a previously unregistered craft can obtain a registration from the WY Game & Fish Department. The registration number is required for the craft to be used on Wyoming waters. Homemade watercraft builders can get hull-numbering information from the Wyoming Game & Fish Department in Cheyenne by calling (307) 777-4575.

For snowmobiles, titling also occurs at the County Clerk’s Office. The trails sticker required for riding snowmobiles on public lands can be obtained from the State Parks and Cultural Resources Department or their selling agents.

Trailers weighing less than 1,000 pounds, such as small utility trailer and many boat trailers, not previously titled, now require titles before they can be registered at the County Treasurer’s Office. Homemade trailers without a VIN number can get a state-assigned VIN by applying for a *Special VIN Assignment. Once a VIN is assigned, an additional inspection is required to assure the new VIN number has been properly affixed to the vehicle before it can be titled. All of the above, when no previous title is available will require: A Notarized Bill of Sale listing the Year, Make and VIN/HIN number of the vehicle, A Notarized *Affidavit of Ownership and A *VIN/HIN Inspection completed by a law enforcement officer.

*Forms with an asterisk (*) are available at the County Clerk’s Office or from this website under County Clerk – Forms.

Tony Barton
Chairman of the Weston County Commission

Past County Elected Officials
Lists of former county elected officials are now available online! These date back to 1915!