1 W. Main St. | Newcastle, WY 82701

Weston County Treasurer

Susan (Susie) Overman
County Treasurer
[email protected]
Commercial Plates
Commercial registration must be issued for any commercial vehicle or vehicle combination used, designed, or maintained for transportation of persons for hire, compensation, profit, or designed or used primarily for the transportation of property.
- A power unit having two axles and a gross vehicle weight over 26,000 pounds
- A power unit having three or more axles regardless of weight
- Is used in combination and the combination exceeds 26,000 pounds gross vehicle weight
County & State Fees
Fees for commercial plates are broken into a County Fee and a State Fee. The County Fee is calculated the same way as a regular registration. The State Fee is calculated depending on the gross vehicle weight of the vehicle or combination using a weight table.
Heavy Vehicles
Heavy vehicles (55,000 pounds or more) are required to provide a stamped copy of the IRS 2290 Form yearly when registering.
There are several discounts available for commercial registrations only. The discounts allow the owner of the vehicle to only pay a percentage of the total State Fee. Only one of the following discounts can be applied to a registration:
- Vehicles operated 20,001-30,000 miles: 75% of the total State Fee
- Vehicles operated 10,001-20,000 miles: 50% of the total State Fee
- Vehicles operated 5,001-10,000 miles: 25% of the total State Fee
- Vehicles operated 2,501-5,000 miles: 20% of the total State Fee
- Vehicles operated 2,500 miles per year or less: 15% of the total State Fee
- Well Service vehicles: 25% of the total State Fee
- Agricultural vehicles: 25% of the total State Fee
- Logging vehicles: 25% of the total State Fee
Insert Commercial Affidavit document
Tony Barton
Chairman of the Weston County Commission
Past County Elected Officials
Lists of former county elected officials are now available online! These date back to 1915!