1 W. Main St. | Newcastle, WY 82701

Local Emergency Planning Committee (LEPC)
Local Emergency Planning Committee
History and Role-
- LEPC’s were established across the US by the Federal Emergency Planning and Community Right-To-Know Act(EPCRA) of 1986. Originally, the Weston County LEPC was a local forum to share information about hazardous materials in the community between interested parties and to develop appropriate emergency plans in case of accidental release of these chemicals.
- In recent years the LEPC’s planning efforts have been refocused to include planning for a variety of disasters that may affect Weston County. Wildfires, tornados, hazardous material spills, and even terrorism constitute emergencies which face rural counties like our own in today’s environment. This new approach, designated as “All-Hazards” planning helps us prepare for any disaster, not just those from chemical releases.
Membership – The LEPC has members from all first response organizations in Weston County, as well as members from county and city governments, health services, the media, and local industry. All meetings are open to the public.
Meetings – The LEPC meets monthly on the last Wednesday of the month at 1900 hours. The meeting location is at the Newcastle Fire Hall.
Hazardous Chemical Information –
In accordance with the Community Right-To-Know Act, local industries are required to report hazardous chemical inventories exceeding certain specified amounts to the State and LEPC’s. The LEPC is required by law to make this information available to any citizen who requests it.
II. Reporting Hazardous Chemical Inventories.
The following information is an attempt to provide a common sense summary of hazardous chemical reporting in Weston County. The detailed and legally binding regulations from which this information was extracted can be found in the Code of Federal Regulations (CFR), Title 40 (Protection of Environment), Part 370 (Hazardous Chemical Reporting).
Who Must Report-
If you store, use, or produce hazardous chemicals in your facility that meet or exceed minimum thresholds you must submit a Tier II (Chemical Inventory) Report. A list of all hazardous chemicals subject to Tier II reporting can be found in EPA Publication 550-B-01-003. Threshold amounts vary depending on the type of chemical, but these amounts are explained in the same EPA Publication.
How to Report-
- You must report using EPA software titled Tier2 Submit. This software is available for free from the EPA at their website (http://www.epa.gov/oem/content/epcra/tier2.htm ). Tier2 Submit allows users to enter multiple facilities, chemicals, and contacts.
- The Weston County LEPC prefers that you submit your Tier II Reports electronically. Once you have finished your report using Tier2 Submit, click on “Create Electronic File” in the “Save As” pop up window. Then type in the name of the file. Once you have typed the file name in, click the “Save” button and then the “Done” button on the next screen. Now you can e-mail your Tier II Report to the Weston County Homeland Security Office at [email protected] with “Tier2 Report” in the subject line. The Homeland Security Office will insure that your report is distributed to the County LEPC and local fire departments. Please do not mail hard copy reports.
When To Report-
Tier II Reports must be received annually by 1 March for the previous calendar year.
Tony Barton
Chairman of the Weston County Commission
Past County Elected Officials
Lists of former county elected officials are now available online! These date back to 1915!