1 W. Main St. | Newcastle, WY 82701

Weston County Road & Bridge
Notice of Final Payment to Contractor
Road Alerts

Welcome to the Weston County Road & Bridge
Weston County Road and Bridge handles a large network of roads that service the agriculture, mining and oil and gas industries in a county that is nearly 2,400 square miles.
We have approximately 650 miles of gravel roads. Our infrastructure also includes approximately 400 cattle guards 14 bridges and hundreds of culverts and signage.
Snow Plowing With our fleet of plow and sander trucks we perform snow removal on the roads of the county. Our motor grader fleet performs snow removal on Weston County’s graveled roads. We will keep the public informed if roads or bridges are shut down due to weather conditions. Notices will be posted on our website.
Road Maintenance County crews perform numerous road maintenance tasks ranging from blading to smooth the road, cattle guard repair, right-of-way mowing, pot-hole patching, culvert cleaning, tree trimming, and maintenance as well as signage. Blading, shaping, and compacting of the roadway surface is performed by motor graders with attached rollers. As conditions warrant, dust suppressants are applied to select areas to assist with dust mitigation.
Permitting Our department is responsible for permitting such activities as roadway approaches, overhead line crossings, road bores, and pipelines in our rights of way. Whether it be a new landowner or homeowner requiring an approach, or a service company laying a pipeline, we provide timely service and assistance in permitting so the installed facility meets the permittee’s needs as well as preserves the functionality and integrity of our roads.
Other Community Roles Depending on the needs, we also provided support to the fire department by providing motor graders or bulldozers to assist in containing and controlling wild land fires. During some large events at the Fairgrounds, we provide assistance by hauling or blading material.
Contact Us
Road and Bridge Superintendent
Jim Hansen
Email: [email protected]
Phone: 307-746-2642
Office Manager
Marty Borgialli
Email: [email protected]
Mailing Address Weston County Road & Bridge
23 County Shop Road
Newcastle, WY 82701
Office Hours
8:30-5:00 p.m.
After Hours Emergency
Tony Barton
Chairman of the Weston County Commission
Past County Elected Officials
Lists of former county elected officials are now available online! These date back to 1915!