1 W. Main St. | Newcastle, WY 82701

Weston County Attorney
Contact Us
Attorney’s Office
204 W. Main Street
Newcastle, WY 82701
Ph: 307-746-9131
Email: [email protected]
Sex Offenders
Registration Act
The Wyoming Sex Offender Registration Act was enacted in 1994 and revised in July 2007. It is found at Wyoming Statutes 7-19-301 to 7-19-307. The act requires convicted sex offenders to register with the county sheriff. It also requires the county sheriff to send registrations to the Division of Criminal Investigations. The act further provides for restrictions on dissemination of registration information, definitions, termination of duty to register, and penalties for failing to register.Wyoming Department of Criminal Investigation’s website to search for registered sex offenders in Weston County and around the state
A legal review is conducted by the Wyoming Attorney General’s Office, who determines if a sex offender is required to register as a convicted sex offender within the State of Wyoming. Out-of-state convictions, or those convicted of a statute that has been repealed, have been assigned sex offender reporting requirements based upon the equivalent Wyoming statute which best reflects the specific elements of the offense and the facts of each individual case. Additionally, some out-of-state misdemeanor convictions may require registration in Wyoming. Visit theTony Barton
Chairman of the Weston County Commission
Past County Elected Officials
Lists of former county elected officials are now available online! These date back to 1915!